Kamsih Astuti, S. Psi., Si, lecturer of Faculty of Psychology, Mercubuana University of Yogyakarta, earned a doctorate degree from the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). In the open doctoral promotion examination conducted at the Faculty of Psychology, Tuesday (11/5), the mother of Nadya’ Prabaningtias successfully defended a dissertation entitled Social Cognitive Model of Adolescent Smoking Behavior.
Explained by the lady listed as the 1222th UGM doctoral graduate, adolescents who have low self-efficacy, high expectations of smoking effects, have a low perception of the risks of smoking and have a higher propensity to smoke compared with nonsmokers. These also potentially occur in adolescents who have close friends and live with members of family who smoke.
According to Kamsih Astuti who is promoted by Prof.(emr) Dr. Bimo Walgito, and Prof. Drs. Koentjoro, M.B.Sc., Ph.D., and co-promoter Dr. Tina Afiatin, M.Si, efforts to prevent teenagers from becoming smokers are important to improve the health of human resources in the future. Preventive programs can be conducted by the school through the provision of information to form a strong smoking effects expectations and perception integrated in relevant study subjects, such as physical education and health, and biology.