Alexander Randy Angianto is one of the 1516 graduates who graduate today, Wednesday (19/5), in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM. This man who originated from Balikpapan graduated cum laude. The graduate of the Faculty of Medicine became the youngest graduate this time. At the age of 19 years 3 months and 19 days, he has holds a Bachelor of Medicine. At a glance, he does not have the looks of a young teenager. Alex, as he is usually addressed, who is 187 cm tall and has bright skin and wears eyeglasses, had not expected to be the youngest graduate when journalists paid him a visit in the clinic of Dr. Sardjito hospital, where he now practiced the educational co- assistance.
The first child of two brothers of Erwin Angianto (50) and Anastasia Yulianti (46) said that he had entered elementary school at the age of five. He completed the education at SD Yayasan Bina Bhakti Siswa (YBBS) in Balikpapan within six years. That is slightly different from his junior high school and senior high school. At that time, he followed the acceleration program so he successfully graduated one year earlier than usual.
Alex said that since he was a child, he did not get special treatment from his parents. In fact, he considered himself among those who do not force themselves to study. Alex would rather spend the time to play with kids his age. He even did not like to alienate himself to be able to study. Alex prefers to study by listening carefully to the teacher. Therefore, he was more focused during class hours. "I will be more receptive to lessons when I did a lot of listening," said the man born on January 30, 1991.
After graduating from SMAN 1 Balikpapan in the year of 2006, Alex entered the Faculty of Medicine UGM through the Scholastic Talent Search (PBS) UM UGM. During 3.5 years, he completed the college with a GPA of 3.56. The interest to choose a medical education emerged from himself. Nevertheless, since childhood, his mother who happened to work as a doctor, too, also advised him to become a doctor someday. "Since childhood, I had been asked to become a doctor. During high school, I want to be (a doctor) by my own will, "said Alex, who aspires to be a surgeon.
During his time at college, Alex was not only busy with the mere study affairs. He was also active in Asia Medical Student’s Association. In this organization, he served as Director of AMCEP (Asian Medical Student Exchange Program). As a director, he also represented UGM medical students to attend a meeting in Japan and Korea in 2007 and 2008.