The first session discussed mental preparations ahead of retirement as well as financial management and business planning. Speakers were Harjadi, S.H., M.M., dr. Probosuseno, Sp.PD, K-Ger., Dr. Sofia Retnowati, M.S., and Amirullah Setya Hardi, S.E., Cand.Oecon.
The second session was divided into three classes. Class A and B were located at KP4 UGM. Class A focused on farming of cattle, poultry and fish, and waste utilization. This class was guided by Ir. Bambang Suhartanto, D.E.A., Ir. Heru Sasongko, M.P., and Ir. Ambar Pertiwiningrum, M.Sc., Ph.D. Meanwhile, class B focused on fruit, organic vegetables, and orchids cultivation, which was supervised by Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, S.U., Ir. Suparjo Jaswadi, M.S., and Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. Class C concentrated on food industry. The class which was supervised by Dr. Ir. Sardjono, M.S., Dr. Ir. Supriyanto, M.S., and Ir. Sri Kanoni, M.S.,was held in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.
JOGJA (KU) – Waste is smelly and disgusting, especially that comes from organic materials. For Mujiono (34), waste can bring plenty of benefits. With hard work, rice and fruit waste from the Humaniora Mandiri Canteen in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, and the Food Court at the UGM Student Hall is processed into compost.
What he has done can be made a good example. It is a pity, however, organic waste management is done by himself. None other wants to follow suit. Nevertheless, Mujiono does not give up, because for him, managing waste into something useful is a campaign to sustain the environment. "I would actually want to share my experience with others. But I think people are ashamed to do this task,” said Mujiono who is paid a honorarium amounting to Rp300,000 a month from UGM for his work.