Tuesday morning at around 07:00 to 8:30 hours, there are something special in the Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Perhaps not many people know that every Tuesday morning a warm discussion took place at the venue to discuss several current topics, especially concerning UGM activities linked with arts and culture.
There is no official protocol in the discussion. Every visitor who comes in and participate in the discussion would enjoy the breakfast menu that has been provided. This also happened when Kabar UGM/KU (the News of UGM) was participating on Tuesday (08/06/2010). The menu consisted of grilled milkfish, deep fried tempeh, stir-fry water spinach and hot tea opened the discussion led by Chairman of the Center’s Advisory Council, Prof. dr. Soetaryo, Sp.A. (K). There were also some administrators and participants from several faculties, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Susamto Somawijaya, M.Sc. (Faculty of Agriculture), Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirdjo, M.A. (Faculty of Cultural Sciences), Drs. Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, M.Sc. (Faculty of Mathematics and Science), Drs. Arif Akhyat, M.A. (Faculty of Cultural Sciences), Dr. Tatang Hariri, M.A. (Faculty of Cultural Sciences), and D.S. Nugrahani (Faculty of Cultural Sciences).
The discussion turned more interesting and vibrant when the Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., and Director of Student Affairs, Drs Haryanto, M.Si. joined in. This Tuesday Discussion mostly talked about the concept of UGM as a cultural university which is based on Pancasila. He said that UGM should be used as guideline or example of Pancasila-based cultural campus. "The way I see it, if you want to see examples of Pancasila culture in the campus, just look at UGM," said the Rector.
He also added that Pancasila-based nationalism culture currently experiences ups and downs. Consequently, restoration and approaches are needed from various different aspects. Some concrete steps towards this direction have been taken by UGM, such as the acceptance of new students through the the Written Examination where certain portion is given to students from different regional backgrounds. "Through this, we make UGM a micro-Indonesia. That’s just one example and there are still many more, "he said.
In addition, other topics discussed was the development plan of culture and arts activities in the Center. The board has initiated the Forum of Culture and Pancasila in Songs. According to Drs. Tri Kuntoro, M.Sc., the initial concept of the forum is that it will involve many elements of the community, ranging from kethoprak (Javanese traditional play) actors or human puppets (wayang orang), arts observers, office of culture, Small Medium Enterprises, PEPADI, RRI, Center of Pancasila Studies and Faculty of Cultural Science, Tamansiswa, to the common public.
"For instance, there’ll be macapatan or kethoprak act that is later translated by experts/observers. If possible, it will be broadcasted through the media, such as the RRI or TVRI. Stakeholders and the public can also participate in it," said Tri Kuntoro. The activities are planned to be held regularly every Friday Pahing night. Initially, a pre-workshop will be conducted.