Plan for the use of Vehicle Identification Card (KIK) for parking services in the UGM compound is intended to reduce vehicle use and give more priority to pedestrians and cyclists. "We want to re-arrange vehicle use on campus. Pedestrians and cyclists are prioritized.” Director of Asset Management and Maintenance of UGM, Dr. Ing. Singgih Hawibowo said to students who protested against this concept in the Balairung (Hall), Monday (14/6). According to Singgih, a bike and wheelchair track will be built as soon as possible. "In the future, a wheelchair special track will be arranged for more security," he said.
The establishment of the portal and the KIK is expected to limit access of those having nothing to do with UGM, thus keeping the learning process quiet and reduce the possibilities for traffic accidents, air pollution, noise pollution, and law violations in the campus area. In addition, according to Singgih, the other objective is to reduce use of paper (tickets) in vehicle parking and thefts.
Singgih conveyed that he was now assessing together with the insurance company to compensate the losses in case of thefts in the parking lot. "Previously, the vehicles that got hit by falling trees or stolen were not compensated," he added that the KIK can be used in all UGM’s existing parking lots, including those managed by the Faculties.
Every faculty member, staff, student, and UGM partner obtained a KIK exempt from parking disincentives. Lectures and educational staff are free from disincentives for two vehicles while students one vehicle. Vehicles that do not have the KIK will be subject to disincentives of Rp1,000 for motorcycles and Rp2,000 for cars. The KIK will come into effect in early July this year.