Joewono Soemardjito, ST, M. Si, a staff researcher of Center for Transport and Logistics Studies (PUSTRAL) UGM, mentioned that policy of Lebaran transportation management is still very normative and does not touch the fundamental problem. Aspect of safety in Lebaran transport service is still neglected.
"The impact is the number of accidents and fatalities during Lebaran are quite high. This condition economically indicates the state losses in form of economic loss calculated from productivity loss of accident victims community," he said in a seminar entitled Realizing Human and Safe Lebaran Transportation Services on Thursday (5/8) in the Centre.
According to Joewono, policy of Lebaran transportation management is still not effective enough to suppress the loss of national productivity. Some existing policies are counterproductive. "Like the steps taken by the police to escort somebody riding a motorcycle to expedite the flow of business, it indirectly legitimizes the motorcycle as a means of Lebaran transportation, because motorcycles are the most vulnerable means to traffic accidents during the Eid celebrations," he explained.
Ministry of Transportation’s data showed that in the year 2009, motorcycles caused the most accidents (71%) while four-wheel vehicles was only 29%.
In addition to the provision of public transport by the company for going home during Lebaran, the provision of services to travel back and forth is not done. The train service also is still very tolerant to passengers who do not have tickets despite the condition which is not safe.
Seeing this condition, Joewono provided some alternatives solutions. In the transportation sector, Lebaran public transport services in the form of ‘Combi’ (a combination of bus and truck services) should be provided. Buses are for passengers who use motorcycles while trucks are to transport their motorcycles. For the train, reactivation of rail lines should be done and double track routes should be developed. Meanwhile, motorcycles that carry more than one riders are subjected to strict law enforcement.