Entropy of the discrete dynamical system can already be applied in various fields, such as DNA sequence, Network and Cosmology. In addition, the entropy of discrete dynamical system can also be applied in the field of Biology, Physics, Economics, Financial Mathematics, Theory of Games and cryptography. That is the end part of the recent inaugural speech by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Widodo, M.S, in the Senate Hall of UGM.
In the inaugural event as Professor of Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM, the man who was born in Batang October 31, 1962 was delivering a speech entitled Entropy of the Discrete Dynamical System and Its Application On DNA sequence Entropy.
His speech material is of course included as part of the scope of Mathematical Sciences, a science known as the servant of science and the language of science, which always lives to enliven other sciences. Besides, it became one of the basic sciences.
He deliberately chose the title because the entropy of discrete dynamical system is one of three studies that he studied since 1993. “In my opinion, Dynamics System is a field of Mathematical Sciences which has been widely used in basic sciences and applied sciences. Because of the limited time, then my other two studies in the form of Mathematical Modeling and Operations Research were not included in the inaugural speech," said the husband of Caturiyati, S. Si, M. Si, and the father of two children.
Dynamics System, he said, is a process that moves or varies with time variables. The dynamics system can occur in many sciences. For example, movements of the planets (Cosmology), weather, stock market and chemical reactions. "It is a process that always changes with time variables. In addition, it can also occur in the iteration process as in fractal geometry, cellular automata, cryptography, network and game theory," he explained.