As part of the educational process, S2 students of Health Promotion and Behavior interest Section of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a publicity event, displaying field activity results conducted at several schools (SDN Catur Tunggal VII, SDN Deresan, SDN Gejayan, SMPN 5 Depok and SMPN 5 Yogyakarta) and Panembahan Senopati Hospital. The event that was held on Saturday, August 14, 2010 in Community Health Sciences Building was attended by lecturers, students, school principals/teachers of participating schools and staff from Sleman District Health Office and the Provincial Health Office of Yogyakarta.
These field activities are part of the study concentrations of Hospitals and School Health Promotion. Students are given the opportunity to go to the field, school or hospital to do the assessment of various health problems. In the Bantul District Hospital, the students found that even among hospital managers there was still some confusion about the concept of hospital health promotion and hospital promotion (marketing). Thus, the students began to socialize the importance of hospital health promotion, i.e. enhancing the ability of patients, families, visitors and even hospital employees to maintain their health.
The school health promotion raised the topic of adolescent reproductive health, hand washing behavior and methods of education by giving rewards to elementary school children. On this occasion, the school representatives said that they appreciate the student activities in their schools. Besides helping improve the health of students, the activities also generate more value for schools in their accreditation due to the cooperation with external parties. Therefore the schools hope that UGM will sendstudents again for the next period. The Health Agency also appreciates the activities because they realize that government-owned resources to guide School Health Units is also limited.
In conclusion, it was agreed that health promotion efforts both in schools and hospitals require the cooperation of various stakeholders: schools, hospitals, academia, the health department and private sectors.