An innovative behavior is not the innate nature of a man, but everyone has the potential to become an innovator. In fact, this innovative behavior can be studied and improved. It can be started from the family, educational institution or several other institutions.
However, did you know the fact that knowledge-sharing habits apparently could cause a person to have innovative behavior? Based on the results of research conducted by an UGM Psychology Lecturer, Avin Fadilah Helmi, S. Psi, M. Si, towards the students who follow UGM Student Creativity Program, it was found that the main factor of innovative behavior is knowledge-sharing through a group approach. "Sharing knowledge requires trust between members of the group that is built on the basis of competence. Discussing ideas with the group made a major contribution in innovative behaviour," said Avin in the promotion exam to earn her doctorate at the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Tuesday (31/8) afternoon.
She mentioned, knowledge sharing has a role as a mediator or amplifier of connection between intrinsic motivation, confidence among group members, transformational leadership and easier access to Information Technology towards innovative behavior. From her research result, it is known that intrinsic motivation and confidence provide higher direct and indirect effects than transformational leadership and easier access to Information Technology. "This is the major findings of this study. This is unprecedented in Indonesia," said the woman born in Ngawi, December 22, 1964, graduating cum laude.
Sharing knowledge, either through seminars, workshops, conferences and discussion forums, either through face-to-face or virtual world is a reflection of activities to enhance the knowledge that influences the innovative behavior. "The participation of a person in following the discussion forums is determined by intrinsic motivation in order to develop themselves," said the Reasoning coach of UGM. While the easy of access to information technology on campus, Avin said, gives a significant contribution towards knowledge sharing. Therefore, infrastructure that is perceived to provide easy access to Information Technology should be retained.