The progress of a company is never apart from the creation and productivity of its workers. The fact is that workers have not been perceived as high as their contributions. In fact, some people tend to undervalue the role of the workers, which affects their quality of life that so far has not reached the standard.
Dra. Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi, M.Si., Psi., lecturer of Psychology Faculty of Surakarta Muhammadiyah University, said that stakeholders need to seek a form of cooperation in making manpower decisions so that their workers could have a decent life. The achievement of adequate and decent standards of living is expected to make the workers have strong work ethics, work pride, able to sense the work positively so that all of those will automatically improve their quality of life. “Improvement efforts for the quality of life of the workers will be efficient and effective if associated with a systems approach through the stakeholder perspective that is involved in industrial relations," said Nisa when conducting an open examination of the doctoral program in psychology on Wednesday (29/9) in the auditorium of the Faculty of Psychology UGM.
The research results of batik industry stakeholders in Solo, Yogyakarta and Pekalongan showed that stakeholder’s perspective and business scale affect the the workers’ perspective of quality of life. Stakeholders of company managers perceive the workers’ quality of life the highest than stakeholders of workers or government. "This is due to the psychological construction of stakeholders of managers whose task orientation is orientated to work outcomes," the lady born in Surakarta on 23 June 1966 explained.
Seeing this condition, the wife of Herman Wibowo, S.H, M.M, suggested the need for management restructure of batik industrial enterprise by the manager stakeholders in the managerial aspects by developing modern management. The development carried out can be in the selection of workers, marketing aspects, production aspects, and utilization of technology.
In the dissertation, entitled Quality of Life of Batik Industry Workers in the Perspective of Stakeholders, Scale of Business, and Demography, Nisa said that the scale of business also influences the perception of worker’s quality of life. The quality of life of workers in small-scale companies is perceived as the highest compared to that of medium and large scale enterprises. "Small companies are able to appreciate and facilitate the needs of workers better. Medium and large scale companies should be more open to small scale companies, especially on partnership cooperation in the production process," the mother of three sons explained.