YOGYAKARTA (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is still observing the Government Regulation (PP) No. 66 Year 2010 concerning the implementation of education. UGM will discuss it again and recommend some subjects to the government associated with some rules in the regulation that are incompatible with the current condition of higher education.
"It should be discussed again. Basically, every university is ready to implement what is mandated by the government. We will, however, discuss a few things that are still debated," Senior Vice Rector of Academic, Research, and Community Service UGM, Prof. Dr. Retno Sunarminingsih, M.Sc., Apt., told reporters after attending a public test of the National Standards for Higher Education draft, Monday (4/10), in the Multimedia Room, UGM Main Office.
The regulation that was officially established on 28 September 2010 contains some basic things, such as State Universities that are listed in the State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN), financial management should be subjected to the Finance Act through the Financial Management of General Services Agency (PKBLU). A transition is expected to take place. It is expected that on December 31, 2012 everything will be finished.
This new regulation also mentioned about the obligations of State Universities in recruiting new students. Each college must admit at least 20% of students who are intelligent but have economic constraints. In response, Retno said that this is not a problem for UGM because UGM is now accommodating about 28 percent of new students from underprivileged families. "UGM has received 28% of students from underprivileged families," she added.
For new admissions, 60% of new students need to go through a national selection and this will be implemented in 2011. Concerning this rule, Retno does not agree. She said that UGM in the near future will ask the government about the rule. According to Retno, the increase in new student admission is not identical with the stipulation of student quota from the same selection process. "We don’t want to be forced to accept a certain number of students if eventually many of them are not competitive and later they drop out," she explained.
Retno assessed what has been running at UGM is successful. She said the new rules made by the government should not impede the process of progress that has been achieved by a particular college, even for reasons of uniformity. As is known, Regulation No 66 Year 2010 is the successor of Regulation No 17 that was previously contained in Legal Entity of Education Act (UU BHP) after it was revoked by the Constitutional Court in March.