As the implementation of the cooperation between UGM and PT Kaltim Parna Industry (PT KPI), Bontang (11/10), both sides agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This effort is one step to minimize the impacts of climate change.
The agreement was revealed during the discussion in the Department of Chemical Engineering UGM on Tuesday (12/10), which was attended by administrators and some lecturers and Production Director of PT KPI, Ir. Hari Triwidodo. In the discussion, the desire of cooperation arose. PT KPI within the next few years will support faculty research related to the efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon monoxide (CO), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). "This is an effort to follow up the memorandum of understanding that was signed by the UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., and President Director of PT KPI, Mr. Nayouki Kimura, on Monday (11/10)," Hari Widodo said.
The effort to reduce the greenhouse effects, according to Hari, is in line with the efforts of PT KPI to promote the "Go Green" program. This program isexpected to minimize the environmental impacts of plant operations.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Department Dr. M. Fahrurrozi, in the discussion expressed some alternatives of CO2 gas utilization, among others, ECBM (Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery), which is a technique for improving attainability of CBM (Coal Bed Methane). "CBM is natural gas that is dominated by methane and a slight of other hydrocarbons as well as non-hydrocarbon gases in coal from the result of some chemical and physical processes," Fahrurrozi conveyed. He said some lecturers have conducted several studies related to the utilization of CO2. The results of these studies certainly have the potential to be a topic for cooperation for the next few years.
At the end of the discussion, participants visited the industrial software development studio at UGM to try and see the Operator Training Simulator (OTS). During the visit, Prof. Dr. Arief Budiman, coordinator of the Process Systems Engineering Research Group in the Faculty, explained software functions that have INSCITRON as trademark can simulate conditions that occur in a chemical plants, such as the normal condition, start-up, shutdown, emergency, and malfunction. The display of INSCITRON is same as the features that exist on the screen of human machine interface DCS (Distributed Control System) at a chemical factory. "This product has been applied in one of the largest chemical plants in East Kalimantan. INSCITRON is not only used by the industry operator, but also can be used by the process engineer to conduct an audit process, the optimization process, and energy audits. Changes in product specifications of chemical plants also can be studied with INSCITRON in case of changes of raw material specification", Arief explained.