YOGYAKARTA (KU) – Rapid Need Assessment Team, Centre for Disaster Studies (PSBA) UGM, reported the number of Internally Displaced Persons of Mount Merapi eruption increased from time to time. On October 27, 2010 the number was estimated at 10,000 who were spread over seven barracks. The number grew to 13,481 in 9 barracks on 28 October. Meanwhile, on 29 October it increased by 1735 people.
"Now, the total number of IDPs is 15, 216 in 9 barracks," said Merapi Care Team Coordinator of PSBA UGM, Prof. Dr. Sudibyakto on Saturday (30/10).
Sudibyakto mentioned that the nine barracks were spread across three districts, Turi, Cangkringan and Pakem. In Hargobinangun village there are 4,591 people, Kepuharjo 1,936, Glagaharjo 716, Wukirsari 202, Pakem 102, Umbulharjo 2,632, Wonokerto 1,963, Girikerto 1,097 and Purwobinangun 1,977.
The IDPs need to get serious treatment. Although the amount of supplies continues to increase, equitable distribution system is required. "The distribution of this assistance needs to be handled well considering the number of IDPs is increasing from time to time," he said.
From the observation of Rapid Need Assessment Team (RNA), it is known that some barracks have been occupied exceeding its capacity, such as Umbulharjo and Glagaharjo. "The two barracks are overloaded," said Ardila Yananto, a team member. Meanwhile, the Umbulharjo barrack also has enough food supply, but still lacking of medicines, underwears and sanitation kits. The Kepuharjo barrack needs food, especially for children and toddlers, underwears, medicines, sanitation kits and sleeping mats.
In Wonokerto barrack, Ardila said that the people need food, medicines, and baby needs. Meanwhile, Girikerto barrack needs clean water, clothing, sanitation kits and food especially for children and toddlers. Hargobinangun barrack mostly needs medical supplies, sanitation kits and clothing. "There are 64 babies here, so baby food and healthcare are needed," he added.
The Wukirsari barrack is filled by children who need teachers and facilities during their time of evacuation.