Another outstanding achievement has been made by an UGM student. Irwan Ferdiansyah, student of Nuclear Engineering earned the Golden Award in the scientific writing of the Tokyo Tech Indonesian Commitment Award (TICA). He was one of three winners of the Golden Award, the others were from ITB and ITS. The award was presented on 11 November 2010 at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
This competition was held by the Indonesian Student Association at Tokyo Institute of Technology (PPI Tokodai). Tokyo Tech Indonesian Commitment Award is one form of care from PPI Tokodai on education and research development in Indonesia. This scientific writing competition is to encourage and appreciate the works of science and technology students in Indonesia in S-1 level.
According to Irwan, the competition was followed by 100 Indonesian students who sent their proposals. Out of this number, 69 proposals were reviewed and the best 10 were selected consisting of two categories: 3 proposals as recipients of Golden Award and 7 proposals as recipients of Finalist Award.
"I didn’t expect to be one of the recipients of the Golden Award along with students from ITB and ITS. The jury said my research proposal was innovative, referring to the research guidance from the National Energy Board so that it deserved this award," said the student from class 2007 in the Faculty of Engineering UGM on Monday (15/11).
Irwan was selected as one recipient of Golden Award for his research proposal on “Kopel NKC/THSC” analysis for AP1000, which is also his research for his graduating paper. The NKC/THSC method, according to Irwan, was one of ways to obtain more accurate reactor analysis. "This research is aimed at getting best estimate value of MDNBR from AP1000 reactor if type of fuel used is W-3. This has not been done before as this is for future operations,” said the young man from Karawang.
Irwan mentioned that AP1000 was one of strongest candidates for first electricity power plant in Indonesia. AP1000 reactor is currently being developed in China. AP1000 reactor is the reactor candidate proposed to be constructed in Indonesia.