JOGJAKARTA (KU) – Professor of Faculty of Medicine UGM Professor Emeritus. dr. Parmono Achmad, MPH, passed away at the age of 86 years. The man born in Jatinegara on March 12, 1924 passed away on Friday, December 3, 2010 at 23:30 hours in faculty housing at Bulaksumur D-13, Yogyakarta.
The deceased was buried on Saturday (4/12) at 15.00 hours in the UGM Sawitsari Cemetery after it was released from the house of mourning. Earlier, the body was laid in state in the UGM Hall to get the last compliments.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D, in the remarks representing academic community said that the deceased during his lifetime paid much attention to the field of public health sciences.
"The late professor had been instrumental in contributing his energy and mind to the development of science," said Sudjarwadi.
Sudjarwadi quoted the inaugural professorship speech made by Prof. Parmono, which among others says the importance of the medical world in doing research on various diseases and epidemics in each region in Indonesia which has different physical, demographic, social, cultural and economic characteristics. "It must be understood and observed by the medical world," he said.
The speech, Sudjarwadi quoted, also explained in detail about the long journey of the development of medical science and health sciences. "The deceased highlighted health on the whole, ranging from children’s health up to the Gerontology and Geriatrics," he said.
The man who became Professor in 1979 left his wife and three children, Muhammad Iqbal, Sri Indira, and Muhammad Arief. He became public health sciences lecturer since 1960. He obtained a master’s degree (MPH) from the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, United States, 1970.