Settlements through the reclamation of coastal area is a phenomenon that is currently developed in Indonesia. Post-reclamation settlement led to a new environment and new understanding. This new understanding and environment ultimately led to the community spatial strategy.
According to Judy Obet Waani, S.T, M.T, lecturer of Department of Architecture University of Sam Ratulangi, the physical change in the coastal area of the reclaimed settlement makes people react to defend themselves and the space or to get out of the settlements environment. "This is part of the community spatial strategy to anticipate and respond to their needs regarding space. The space-holding behavior is an effort to adapt, maintain, mark, and legitimize the space," he explained during an open examination of his doctoral program, Monday (12/12) at UGM Graduate School Building.
Judy said that the space-holding effort occurred due to physical changes in the coastal area of reclaimed settlement. It is said by the man born in Manado, October 18, 1964, in the case of reclamation in Manado Beach, South Titiwungen community in facing the new environment after the reclamation has used a spatial strategy based on the value of Basudara. Basudara in South Titiwungen society is the awareness that was born from the raw expression of baku-baku-bae (doing good to each other), baku-baku sayang (mutual love) and baku-baku kase inga (reminding each other).
Judy mentioned in defending his dissertation titled Basudara in Post-Reclamation of South Titiwungen Settlement in Manado Beach, there are seven concepts that support the theory of basudara in the post-reclamation settlements space of South Titiwungen, namely the concept of conformity, space marking, space defense strategy, and the legitimacy of the space. Next are the concept of the space existence, the Pasini right, and the consensus that directly supports the conceptual categories of the existence of the community space.
The theory of basudara that is developed from these concepts, Judy added, originated from 12 themes that are made up of units of information. The theme was, budel house room, baku mara space, Pasini right space, group expression space, characterization space, tampa mancari space, sama-sama space, health community space, tampa bermain space playing, evanglisasi space, religious space, and investments space.