Meanwhile, job vacancy in rural area still relies on farming sector. Therefore, land tenure status whether based on formal or traditional law is very needed by farmers. On the other hand, the local community who culturally has the right “feels” that they are losing their access to forest (state forest). “Due to their urgent daily needs, the local community still tries to access and use the existing forest resource, so this causes conflicts of interest with the manager,” the lady born in Pati on 29 September 1961 said. To overcome the problem, Eva used Geographic science approach that focuses on spatial approach and ecological approach in studying forest resource damage in the form of land conversion.
Several other conclusions in Eva’s research are that Perhutani’s program still needs to be improved in giving opportunity to be pesanggem to local villagers. In addition, it needs to rearrange borgan land tenure by community which aims to know the responsibility of pesanggem on his forest land.
After defending her dissertation in front of examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc,. Prof. Dr. H. Hadi Subari Yunus, M.A. (promoter), Prof. Dr. H. Ir. Chafid Fandeli, M.S., (co-promoter), Prof. Dr. Sutanto (co-promoter), Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A., Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Widodo, M.Sc., Dr. Su Ritohardoyo, M.A., and Prof. Dr. Sudijono Sastroatmodjo, M.Si., finally Eva Banowati graduated cum laude.