YOGYAKARTA- Student’s interest in becoming entrepreneurs is still low. Under this condition the student needs to be given provision and enlightenment so that later when graduating from college they will eventually have an interest in becoming an entrepreneur. According to the lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Dr. S. Sahid Nugroho, M.Sc., one effort to encourage their interest is the availability of business start-up facilities as their initial capital.
"The form can be infrastructure such as finance, business center, an online store for the promotion, and business connections in real terms," said Sahid in Workshop of Innovative Entrepreneurship Learning Methods in Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel on Saturday (22/1).
In addition, Sahid said, student’s motivation is hampered by the feelings of career uncertainty if they become an entrepreneur. The uncertainty can be outwitted by directly introduce the students to already successful entrepreneurs or SME-class entrepreneurs. This way, students can socialize and learn firsthand how to run a business. "To deepen their knowledge, the student can ask the entrepreneurs directly," he said.
Sahid who is also a curriculum proponent of entrepreneurship courses describes the acceptance of the courses in various colleges is getting better. In fact, at UGM, entrepreneurship course is no longer a department’s but faculty’s compulsory subject. “Campus acceptance to produce new entrepreneurs is quite good," Sahid said.
The delivery of the entrepreneurship course material can be well-conveyed to students. Sahid also proposed that the related lecturers at least have had direct experience on entrepreneurship. This will facilitate the process of teaching to students "That’s what I think, so, indeed, teaching methods of entrepreneurship course still need improvement," he explained.
Another lecturer of UGM, Boyke R. Purnomo, M. Sc, admitted that constraints on entrepreneurial learning is a curriculum that does not support it and difficulty in designing course and learning instruments in accordance with the purpose of learning.
Boyke explained the level of entrepreneurial learning, starting from fostering entrepreneurship, injecting entrepreneurial values, to teaching entrepreneurship.
"It’s all about the entrepreneurial learning triangle, including cognitive aspect, innovative learning, psychomotoric and affective aspects," said Boyke.