Excellent service given by nurses and hospitals is what desired by every patient. Nurse’s excellent service which is ideal, unique, even phenomenal, is much needed as a competitive advantage that is difficult to imitate because it is behavioral. This was said by Drs. Muhammad Cholil, MM, lecturer of Faculty of Economics, Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta (UNS) in open examination of his doctoral program at Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada on Monday (2/5).
Cholil said that hospital leaders, including supervisors, must transform various value systems that can make nurses as service magnet. "This can be done through trust development of nurses toward decisive leadership," he explained.
In his dissertation entitled Effect of Transformational Leadership, Trust in Supervisors and Ideal Behavior of Organizational Citizenship to Nurse Service Quality, Cholil mentioned that ideal behavioral performance of nurses who give positive contribution to the hospital needs to be nurtured by socializing nurse’s trust in transformational leader behaviors. "This is done as a decoy of development of ideal behavior of employees, mainly through the excellent performance of qualified service," he explained.
Cholil further explained, the result of research conducted in some hospitals, such as PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Surakarta, Dr. Oen and Panti Waluya, it is known that some patients felt that nurse’s service should be improved, seen from the complaint of patients who are still treated discriminatively, low speed and accuracy of responsiveness to patient complaints, and the atmosphere of cooperation between nurses and patients as partners that has not been popular.
According to Cholil, the behavior shown by nurses is not only influenced by a single factor, but also by a number of complex and dynamic factors from nurses and leaders. Transformational leadership is proven to give positive impact on drug information and consultation services (PIKO), both focused on individuals and organizations. "The more transformational supervisors, the more increasing the embodiment of PIKO, both focusing on the individuals or the organization," said the man born in Boyolali, May 8, 1952.
Another finding shows that transformational leadership has positive influence on the quality of nursing service and trust in the nursing supervisors. "It means the higher the transformationality of supervisors will improve the quality of nursing service," he explained.
Viewing these findings in the field, Cholil said that operationally hospital managers need to make some extra efforts. Some of them are excellent quality of nurse service as a magnet of hospital excellent service quality, civilizing and institutionalizing ideal behavior of organizational citizenship for every nurse who is always ready to provide services and conditioning nurse’s confidence to the supervisor. "In addition, it is to totally and continuously make transformational behavior the primary obsession of the leadership style of the hospital," the man who became the 1385th doctor of UGM explained.