Universitas Gadjah Mada this time inaugurated 1301 graduates and 235 diploma graduates. The average period of study for undergraduate program is 4 years 6 months, while the diploma program is 3 years and 2 months. The shortest study time of undergraduate program was achieved by Assed Lussak of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, who completed study in 3 years and 4 months and for diploma program it was gained by Ericha Meilina from Faculty of Cultural Sciences in 2 years 4 months.
The youngest graduate in this period was Winda Yasmine from Faculty of Law who managed to graduate at age 18 years 8 months 28 days old. Meanwhile, the youngest diploma graduate was Sania Aluh Rinanda from Faculty of Agricultural Technology at the age of 19 years 8 months 27 days old. Cum laude graduates for S1 program are as many as 306 people or 25.19% of the total graduates and for diploma program as many as 37 people or 15.74% of the total diploma graduates.
The highest GPA (3.95) for S1 program this time was achieved by Ayudia Dwi Prabandini from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and in diploma program, Ryan Satriana Wiratna from Faculty of Law gained the highest GPA (3.95).