The health of mothers who are delivering baby in Indonesia is categorized as low with the highest maternal mortality rate in ASEAN, which is 228 per 100,000 live births. The data from Ministry of Health in 2009 recorded at least 4,692 mothers died in 2008 due to pregnancy, childbirth and porturition, which actually can still be prevented. This statement was delivered by S.F. Budi Hastuti, SKp., M. Kes., in an open examination of Doctoral Program, Tuesday (25/10) in UGM Faculty of Medicine.
In her dissertation entitled Counseling Reduces Anxiety and Achieves Coping Mechanisms of Primipara in Mothers in Child Birth, Hastuti revealed there are a number of factors that cause the high rate of maternal mortality in Indonesia. Some of them are unprofessional childbirth aid, the lack of assistance to the mother during the childbirth process, and less sufficient health care service.
"Health care undertaken in the delivery room does not currently fully pay to the safety and comfort of mothers. Biologically, giving birth is a parasympathetic process, which is the situation where the mother needs reassurance, safety, comfort, and confidence. Therefore, safety and comfort for mothers should be taken into account by considering harmful risk that would arise," the member of faculty of Yogyakarta State Health Polytechnic said.
From the research result done by Hastuti in a number of pregnant mothers who checked their health in Tegalrejo and Mergangsang Public Health Centers, Yogyakarta, it is known that the provision of counseling influences significantly to maternal anxiety at the first birth (primipara). Anxiety-panic level is not seen in the treated group. Meanwhile, in the comparison group, there is at least 0.9% of anxiety-panic level.
"The counseling is proven to reduce level of maternal anxiety," the lady born on January 19, 1950 said.
Looking at these results, Hastuti suggested the need to improve mothers’ nursing care using birth counseling given by nurses. The counseling is provided based on assessment of physical, mental, social, cultural and spiritual aspects of mothers.