The development of Sakura art show from 1986 until 2009 has fluctuated. During its development, the performing arts have always been associated with the social life of society.
I Wayan Mustika, S.Sn., M. Hum., lecturer of Department of Language and Arts Education, University of Lampung, argued the social life which accompanies the development of Sakura performing arts in Lampung, among others are how to behave in their social life and how they appreciate the Sakura arts performance. "In 1986 the Sakura art was displayed in very simple ways. At that time there was a conflict between Sakura’s players caused by fiil, pesenggiri and Buay behaviors. This had stopped though and between 1990 to 2000 it re-appeared, though still in simple manner," he said at the UGM Graduate School, Monday (21/11).
I Wayan Mustika said this matter in his open Doctoral Program exam of Fine Arts and Performing Arts Studies of UGM Graduate School. Accompanied by promoter Prof. Dr. R.M. Soedarsono and co-promoter Prof.Dr. Timbul Haryono, M. Sc, he defends his dissertation The Forms Development of Sakura Performance in the Context of West Lampung Community Life in the Year 1986-2009.
According to Wayan Mustika, from 2001 to 2009 Sakura performing art has developed very rapidly. In those years, the way the Sakura players dressed was influenced by city’s culture as well as numerous television shows. "This show is no longer performed in Lampung region only, but also in the island of Java, such as the TMII and Yogyakarta," he said.
In the dissertation it is mentioned that the function of Sakura performing arts was initially as a means of worship for the harvest celebration for the security of the village. However, Sakura art now has multiple functions. Besides as a means of socialization, this art can function as custodian of social solidarity, entertainment and aesthetic presentation.
The performance of Sakura art that coincides with Eid holiday reminded Liwa’s society living outside the village or who are located in other areas to gather again, so they do not lose any relatives, kinship and communication. The Liwa community is afraid of losing relatives, which makes them keep the kinship system very well up to this time, including buay and piil. The presence of Sakura art is very helpful for people who have distant relatives outside Liwa to regroup. "Therefore, the show is still held and has become an inherited wairas tradition," said Wayan Mustika.
At the end of the dissertation, Wayan asserted the need to maintain self-esteem of piil, buay and Sakura art as local wisdom in West Lampung regency, particularly in the Kenali, Canggu, Kegeringan, and Kuta Besi Village. Because this art is an event for people from various backgrounds and ages to gather.