To achieve meat self-sufficiency in 2014 is a challenge for animal husbandry in Indonesia today. Therefore, many programs are developed to increase the number and quality of production and to improve human resources in the field of animal husbandry. Food production is a factor which is seen as dominant in influencing the performance of production and business continuity.
Indonesia has the potential of abundant raw materials of feed. Unfortunately, the maximal utilization of feed raw materials requires creativity and quality of reliable human resources. Meanwhile, the unification policy of various study programs in Faculties of Animal Sciences throughout Indonesia has indeed reduced greatly the availability of graduates who are competent in animal nutrition and feed. In addition, quality disparity among college graduates is considered high and is very dependent on the university. "The quality of college graduates is greatly influenced by several factors, such as the quality of students input, the learning process, supporting infrastructure both physical, laboratory, farm and Human Resources including lecturer’s qualification and learning curriculum," Bambang Suwignyo, Ph.D. said at Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM on Tuesday (13/12) during the Learning Workshop on Animal Nutrition and Feed Science with the theme Challenge of Human Resource Development in Animal Nutrition and Feed Sectors.
According to Secretary of Animal Nutrition and Feed Section, Faculty of Animal Sciences, up to now there has never been an intensive discussion on differences and similarities of the learning process and curriculum in various universities in Indonesia, particularly related to the field of animal nutrition and food. "Comparison of the learning process is very important and relevant to be evaluated, so the disparity in the quality of graduates among universities will become smaller. No disparity is highly expected," he said.
For the future it is expected the quality of graduates is relatively equal and ready to compete in the ASEAN and global community. Against this background, it is appropriate if the Association of Indonesian Food and Nutrition Experts (AINI) would see that this workshop is important for nutrition and food science learning at Animal Science Universities. "Participants are expected to exchange information about learning system of Animal Nutrition and Food which later can be applied in their respective universities," Bambang said.
The workshop that lasted for two days from 12-13 December 2011 was held by Animal Nutrition and Feed Section, Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM in collaboration with AINI. In addition to equalize perception of system and model of learning in various universities, especially in the field of Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences in Indonesia, the workshop is expected to produce a description of curriculum and learning process of Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences which has been implemented in respective universities up to this time. "The workshop could provide curriculum recommendation and learning process of animal nutrition and feed which is relevant to the animal feed industry and the demands of global competition," he added.
In a discussion "Learning System of Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences", each representative of the Faculty/University becomes speaker to convey relevant information, including the type/name of the courses they teach, the number of credits, compulsory or relative courses, teaching facilities such as laboratories, including number and qualification of lecturers. Interesting topic of discussion was followed by Heads of Section/ Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed, also Association of Animal Nutrition and Feed Experts throughout Indonesia, academicians, faculty members and students of Animal Nutrition and Feed, Animal Practitioners and Animal Feed Industries, policy maker, Director General, Local Governments, Cooperative Animal and Animal professional activists.
Meanwhile, in the workshop was also presented speaker Prof. Dr. Ir. Apri Dewi Astuti, MS (AINI) who discussed "Certification of Animal Nutrition and Feed Experts". This theme was attended by Heads or Representatives of Sections/Departments of Nutrition and Feed, Faculty of Animal Sciences from several universities, such as UGM, IPB, UNPAD Bandung, UNDIP Semarang, UNSOED Purwokerto, UB Malang, UNHAS South Sulawesi, UNRAM Mataram, UNAND West Sumatra with moderator, Prof. Dr. Ir. Erika Budiarti Lakoni, M. Si (IPB).
Meanwhile on the second day, a seminar was conducted by presenting speakers from industry, practitioners and academicians. The seminar coinciding with the end of duty of two lecturers of Animal Nutrition and Food, Dr. Ir Ali Wibowo and Dr. Ir. Hari Hartadi discussed the theme of "Profile and Competency of Graduates which are expected by Animal Feed Industry". Also sharing ideas were Prof. Orskov (Teaching Program on Animal Nutrition and Feed Science in the United Kingdom and Adi Widyatmoko (Cargill Indonesia).