YOGYAKARTA – Repeated reproduction of terrorist generations in Indonesia shows the limitation of government’s strategy in combating terrorism. The main target of terrorism eradication set out by the government seems to focus on those involved directly in terrorist activities. Meanwhile, those who are not directly involved in the recruitment process, especially the spread of radical ideology, are not seen as a serious threat. The fact of the interaction between the radical and terrorist groups demonstrates the importance of radical atmosphere as a seedbed for extreme ideology.
Mohammad Iqbal Ahnaf, Ph.D., an UGM observer of violence and cross-religious peace, said the one thing that has not received serious attention is the room that allows the mobilization of extreme ideology. "What is needed to fight terrorism is a strategy that can narrow room and opportunity for extreme ideology’s mobilization," Iqbal Ahnaf said as speaker in a seminar on violence, radicalism and peace building in Indonesia at UGM Graduate School, Wednesday (14/12).
The lecturer of religious and cross-cultural study program in Graduate School, explained that the Government’s de-radicalization program in the last few years run through the Terrorism Crime Management Agency (BNPT) has started to show concerns for non-direct aspects of terrorism. However, so far the focus of the program is still limited to the rehabilitation program for ex-terrorists, strengthening the moderates to oppose the understanding of religion that justifies extremism.
"It is important for the State to have strong political commitment and be consistent in enforcing the law against the activity of radicalism, rather than dissolving the radical organization," he said.
Meanwhile, Lecturer of International Relations from University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Dr. Muhammad Ali, said that up to now there are 700 people already arrested in connection with the terrorist network connection. However, the number of perpetrators who are arrested does not render the terrorist network and terrorism ideology vanished. The fact indicates there is a decrease in the capacity of terrorist attacks. "Until the Solo bombing, the capacity of the attacks has dropped dramatically. The capacity of bomb attacks that used to be high explosive, has turned to lower explosive," he added.
He believes strategy and policy with a more precise target using ideological approach persuasively against terrorism indoctrination are needed.
A sociologists, conflict and Islamic movement expert, Najib Azca, emphasized that terrorist network recruitment process is done on growing up youth. This age group is very potential to be recruited because they have no strong personality and are looking for role models. "This is the problem when we are dealing with terrorists due to our lack of leading figures. Therefore, people who have strong personality such as Imam Samudra (terrorist), could attract the sympathy of the young people," he said.