Centre for Anti-coruption Studies (PUKAT) UGM has ecouraged the effective implementation of Law No 8/2010 on Money Laundering beside Law on Anti-corruption Eradication in arresting suspects or convited corrupters. Researcher from the Centre, Hifdzil Alim, was certain that if law enforcers implement Law on Money Laundering Act of Crime, no money or assets will be lost.
“I believe there will be no money or assets getting lost from corruption crimes,” Hifdzil said.
He exemplified that in the Law, the maximum penalty for convicts is 20 years in prison and 10 billion fines whilst the Tipikor Law has the same 20 years in prison and 1 billion in fine.
Unfortunately, not many law enforcers have used the Law on Money Laundering Act of Crime.
The case of Wa Ode Nurhayati, Member of Parliament’s Budget Unit, according to Hifdzil, is the first case handled by the anti-corruption commission (KPK) under both laws. Unfortunately, the prosecutors have charged Wa Ode with 14 years in prison and 1 billion in fines. Judges gave her 6 years sentence abd 500 million in fines.
“It seems that the judges were not serious in proving the case,” said Hifdzil.
Other corruption cases to be handled with Law include the case of Insp. Gen. Pol. Djoko Susilo, Anas Urbaningrum, Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq, or Angelina Sondakh. PUKAT UGM also agreed if the Budget Unit of the Parliament was reorganised or even disbanded as it is often used as a place to trade influence, eading to corruption.
PUKAT UGM also urged the confiscation of assets from corruption.