Students of Agricultural Technology Faculty of UGM dominated the Agrotek 2013 Scientific Writing Competition by becoming the first and second winners in the competition that had the theme the Potential of Narrow and Unused Lands to Support People’s Prosperity at UPN Yogyakarta on 23 March 2013.
In the competition organised by Forum of Agronomy Students Region III, the UGM team with members Eni Kaeni, Fathin Nabihaty and Zesy Ayu Tri Astuti, won the first place with their idea on VEROLA OPTIMA: Optimizing Vertical Organic Mini Landscape For Periurban Healthy Society. The second team with team members Abdul Malik, Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad Mujadid Faiqon came second with their concept Optimalisation Engineering of Land Productivity through Implementation of Agri-Fish Integrated Farming (AFIF) for Farmer’s Prosperity in Periurban Areas.
Zesy Ayu said the narrow size of land had become the main barrier for agricultural aspect in periurban areas. Immediate handling is required by applying new approaches to reinforce agricultural sector, among others are the AFIF and VEROLA OPTIMA, said her in a release sent out on Monday (15/4).
Zesy Ayu added that after the competition, they expected to be able to initiate the pilot project of periurban agriculture development to support food resilience programme through a variety of mechanisms and technologies of narrow land cultivation. It also opens possibilities to utilise unused lands. Meanwhile, the technology management also relies on local wisdom to maximise the results. “Thus, the diminishing size and conversion of land use would be resolved without creating social conflict whilst in terms of economy, ecology and social aspect, it is decently valued through integrated agricultural technology,” she said.