YOGYAKARTA – The 5th Pancasila Congress initiated by Universitas Gadjah Mada produced some points for strategy of Pancasila values culturation. It starts from family, school and society. Among the youths, such culturation can be done in or outside schools. Family and society, however, are important in realising a society that has the character of Pancasila.
“It is time to teach Pancasila education innovatively and interestingly. National songs and local songs should be more played to students,” said Susanti, a participant of the congress during the closing of the Pancasila Congress in the Senate Hall on Saturday (1/6).
According to Djoko Soewindi, another participant, following the deterioriation of Pancasila values implementation, an evaluation of competence of teachers and lecturers of Pancasila needs to be done. Competence certificate, therefore, needs to be issued for lecturers and student unit of Pancasila studies.
Socio-political institution also needs to be enforced in the culturation to respond to the negative impact of capitalist and socialism communism ideology. Thus, a synergy needs to be built between government and higher learning to educate society to be more intellectual ideologically. “This includes anti-corruption education, too,” he added.
Strategy for Pancasila values culturation needs to be done consistently in legal products. “The harmonisation of legislation process and ratification of legal drafting should maintain laws existing in Indonesia and Pancasila values,” said lecturer of Philosophy of UGM, Laily Mutmainah.