UGM team came as first winner in the National Statistics Olympiad (ONS) 2013 from 30-31 May 2013 in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM. Team members, Ezra Putranda Setiawan and Rizki Evitasari, have beat other 10 teams in the competition from four Indonesian universities, STIS Jakarta, UGM, 2 IPB anc UI.
Evitasari said in the first day they competed to get to the final round. Five teams were able to go through, namely from STIS, UGM and UI.
“In the final round, each team is allocated 60 minutes to do case study and presentation in front of juries,” she said recently.
The juries declared them the winner after a series of evaluation, the runner-up is STIS, followed by UI.
“Obviously, we were glad and proud we came as the best team. We’re indebted to lecturers and colleagues at Statistics study programme,” she concluded.