Over 20% Less Fortunate Students are Admitted through SNMPTN
UGM has verified new students who are accepted to study at UGM through the SNMPTN mechanism (by invitation). Up to 20.08% of the new students are from impoverished families. They are recipients of Bidikmisi scholarship and students belonging to the Single Tuition mechanism group 1 and 2. This confirms that access to education for impoverished families is still wide open for students who register through the Written Test mechanism.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc., explained that of 3,317 new student candidates, some 3,146 have registered themselves. The condition showed that the mandate of Law No. 12 Year 2012 can be conducted well by UGM, mentioning that state universities have the obligation to admit students with high academic potential but less economic capability or students from the most outlaying, remote and disadvantaged regions at a mininum of 20% of all new students.
Those students need only to pay up to Rp500,000 in tuition or a maximum of Rp1,000,000 per semester. They also receive scholarships. For example, in English study programme, the Single Tuition Cost set by the government is Rp6,093,000 per semester, thus students receive a scholarship in form of subsidy amounting to Rp5,593,000 per semester. In Doctor education, the Single Tuition Cost per semester is Rp15,232,000, so students per semester receive scholarship or subsidy at Rp14,732,000,” said Pratikno.
Further Pratikno said that not only students in group 1 or 2, but also all new students receive scholarship or subsidy, nobody pays the full tuition. For example, a student in Pharmacy with the highest Single Tuition has to pay Rp7,500,000 per semester. Single Tuition Cost is Rp15,232,000, so the student receives a subsidy or scholarship up to Rp7,732,000.
Pratikno also said that this year competition was getting tighter. There have been 72,207 students enrolling through SNMPTN with 3,317 getting admitted. For SBMPTN, a total of 64,199 students have enrolled with seat capacity only at 1,997.
“For student admittance, selection has been based on academic capabilities. We uphold the principle of objectivity and transparency as UGM is a university that is open, indiscriminate, accountable and just, whilst implementing good university governance,” said Pratikno.