YOGYAKARTA – Slow national economic growth due to fluctuations in rupiah poses serious problems that has to be resolved by the government. Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno., M.Soc.,Sc., expressed optimism that the government would be able to do it. “Despite the rather troubled economic condition, but we have left the intricate problem, which is the political instability,” said Pratikno in his remarks to some 761 graduates inaugurated on Wednesday (28/8).
Although the economic growth is around 6 percent, Indonesian economy is already among 15 world biggest economies, even Indonesia is no longer considered a poor country but middle economy. Indonesia is even predicted to become one economic centre in Asia. “The dynamics of world economy centres in Asia. The most prospective is China, India and Indonesia,” he said.
Pratikno also mentioned the polling reported in the media recently on presidential candidates that have high electibility. Pratikno said he was happy and proud that one candidate that is considered popular (Joko Widodo, ed) is an alumnus from UGM. “He happens to be an alumnus from UGM, which is a reality that we can’t avoid,” he said.
Although the presidential election would be held in 2014, but the candidates have been widely reported in the media. Pratikno sees this as a sign that the national political situation is getting more conducive. “We no longer deal with political instability like what happened in the Middle East,” he said
On the graduates this time, as many as 761 graduates are inagurated at Universitas Gadjah Mada with 182 graduates (23.9 %) passed cumlaude. Average GPA 3.23 with the highest (3.95) was earned by Tiara Difa Primasi (para legal study programme). Average study time is 2 years and 11 months. The student who passed the fastest (1 year 10 months) is Slamet Riadi (Geomatic Engineering) while the youngest graduate (19 years old) is Wahyudy Imam Afandy from Archiving diploma programme.