YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM initiates the establishment of the Southeast Asia Literary Experts Network to be the umbrella body of literary experts in Southeast Asia while giving them opportunities to be on equal standing with international level experts.
Initiator of the Network, Dr. Ida Rochani Adi, S.U., said the establishment of the association would bridge the gap in literary knowledge exchange between Southeast Asian countries, bearing in mind that literary thoughts, theories, and methodologies around the world are developing rapidly. “Literary development in Southeast Asia requires specific management in order to maintain the dynamics,” said Ida alongside the seminar entitled Recent Issues Concerning Literature and Literary Studies in Southeast Asia in Multimedia Room Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM on Sunday (17/11).
The lecturer in English literature added that literary development is currently showing the awakening of the third world, seen in the emergence of literary experts from India and the Middle East. Unfortunately, from Southeast Asia no one already had world reputation whereas theoretically and methodologically they are rich and varied. “It is time for UGM to play a role in establishing a forum for literary experts,” she said.
The establishment is attended by experts in Asia, such as Prof. Dr Muhammad Haji Salleh from Malaysia and Dr. Hope Sabanpan-Yu from the Philippines. Both present their ideas on Southeast Asia recent issues.