The young generation is the generation that sustains the future of the nation. They should have the courage for the advancement of the nation.
“The young generation has to have the courage in doing great things,” said Roy Suryo, Minister of Sports, telling students who will graduate the following day (18/11) in GSP UGM.
Roy Suryo said in the modern era the youth has to be able to do great things, especially that they are now supported by sophisticated technology and communication.
“In the past Ki Sugondo Joyopuspito was able to lead the second youth Congress and united young people from across the country while there was no mobile phone or text message services like today,” he said.
Roy Suryo said the generation was facing more complicated challenges. Preparations for the young people are required to anticipate against barrier and to win challenges.
“In two year’s time the ASEAN Community is getting wider, the youth must be prepared thoroughly so as not losing the competition. Who will fight for our destiny if not ourselves?’ he said.
Roy Suryo predicted in 2020 Indonesia will receive the demography bonus. That year the young population is much bigger than the older one. This is expected to become a plus for Indonesia to win the global competition.
“In year 2020, there will be many people at productive age that can advance the nation. As said by Bung Karno that with ten young people he would be able to rock the world. We hope that in the future more young people can really rock the world,” he said.