Students of Faculty of Law UGM have again won moot court competitions in IHLMCC 2013. The UGM team became the national winner and will represent Indonesia in the international forum in Hongkong in March 2014.
“In the international level we would compete with 20 teams from 15 countries in Asia Pacific,” said Ibrahim Hanif, member of the IHLMCC UGM team, in a press conference, Tuesday (26/11).
Hanif mentioned this amidst the preparation for the international competitions. The team has routinely practised for trial simulations.
“In the next three months we’re preparing everything to have maximum results and give the best for Faculty of Law and UGM,” he said.
Previously, Hanif and classmates Irene Vivi, Andrean Sancaya, and Rizkyamnda Rana, had to compete with 17 other teams from Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Brawijaya,Universitas Indonesia, and Universitas Pelita Harapan.
Shita Pina Saphira, coach assistant, said they also won the best oralist for Ibrahim Hanif, and best memorial.
ICCC Winner Goes Through to Puerto Rico
The UGM team also won in the International Client Consultant Competition (ICCC), beating 12 other teams from four universities.
The team consisting of Mutiara Khairunnisa and Raissa Yurizzahra AH class of 2013 will represent Indonesia in an international competition in April 2014 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, involving at least 30 teams.
“In Puerto Rico we would raise the theme on business commercial,” Mutiara explained.
Winner of Brawijaya Law Fair
In the debate competition and scientific paper writing at Brawijaya Law Fair, the UGM team also won the championship. The first, second and third places have been won by UGM after beating 20 teams.
The first winner is Randy Taufik and Ajeng Ayuningtyas with the paper entitled “Corruption Prevention by Restructuring Trias Politica Based on Pancasila”. The second winners consist of Sigit Wibowo, Sabil, and Rendy Herlambang while the third winner is Luthfi and Maratul.
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Drs. Paripurna Sugarda, S.H., LL.M., said the victories are the fruit of the hard work of the students. It is a pride to the Faculty as well as UGM.
Paripurna said the Faculty was drafting a policy to reward the students who made achievements. The Faculty would also encourage them by facilitating all student activities.