Student Asssociation of Remote Sensing and Geography Information System (STARGIS) of UGM Vocational School recently hosted a national orienteering event, BIG ISOC 2013, in cooperation with Geospatial Information Agency (BIG),
The event last from 15 – 17 November 2013 in the Auditorium of Merapi of Faculty of Geography UGM, Gelanggang Mahasiswa of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Geospatial Laboratory, and Tembi Rumah Budaya.
The BIG ISOC 2013 is opened by Dr. Priyadi Kardono, M.Sc., Deputy Head of BIG, joined by 120 highschool students from across Indonesia, including Gorontalo, Palembang, Tangerang, Cilacap, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Kebumen, and Magelang.
Yanyudha Yulistiawan, one committee member, said the orienteering is a sport that requires navigational skills using maps and compass to finish a track from one to another point the shortest. It uses an international standard mapping tool.
“The BIG ISOC 2013 event is run to introduce the orienteering sport to Indonesian people as well as the geospatial information,” said ar Yanyudha on Wednesday (27/11).
Winners are Prasetyo Arif Wibowo (SMA Cilacap) in male sprint category, followed by Luqman Azhar Nashirudin (SMA IT Nurhidayah) and Dihan Amiluhur (SMAN 4 Yogyakarta). Female SPRINT winners are Arinta Eka Desti Mustika (SMAN 4 Tangerang), Aginta Restu Poka (SMA Cilacap) and Immaculata Titis Winiati (SMA Taruna Magelang).
In the male MIDDLE category the winners are Luqman Azhar Nashirudin (SMA IT Nurhidayah), Abel Putra H.P (SMA 4 Yogyakarta) and Raden Aji Satria Kusuma (SMAN 4 Tangerang). The female MIDDLE they are Eni Septyaningsih (SMA Cilacap), Tri Ratna W (SMAN 90 Jakarta) and Immaculata Titis Winiati (SMA Taruna Magelang). In the male civilian MIDDLE category, the victory goes to Prabowo Adi Wicaksono (Cilacap OC), Angga Visca Nur Ali (UII) and Haryadi Lukman Widiarso (Metala FE UMS).