Jayamahe, the team for a fuel engine roboboat became the first winner in the National Unmanned Boat Contest 2013 (KKCTBN 2013), 25-26 November, held in Camplong, Sampang, Madura. JAYAMAHE beat other teams from Indonesian universities such as ITB, UI, IPB, and Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis. The team consisted of Dany Ezah Fazwi, Pandu Dwijayanto, Davin Demas, Febry Mulia, Agung Nugroho, and Sukma Langgeng, all from Mechanic Engineering, M. Nur Fattah (Electronics and Instrumentation), Erwin Prawira and Abdurrahman Achmad from Electrical Engineering.
Spokesperson for the team, Nur Fattah, accompanied by chairman Nikite Sulistiyana, said the boat uses pertamax fuel. It is driven by remote control module, using special engine 26 cc with a modified V-shaped monohull. It can sail at high speed up to 80 km per hour and make a turn until 360o at one point. The boat is potential to be developed as border guard.
In the category of fuel engine the winners are UGM, Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis and IPB.
In the Autonomous category, SAFINAH.ONE., came as third winner. The team consisted of Iqro Kurmawan, Ardi Puspa Kartika, Mahendra Budi Nugraha (Electronics & Instrumentation), Febrika Endika (Electrical Engineering), Arif Abdul Aziz, Yudhis, Irul and Denny (Mechanical Engineering).
According to Ardi, the SAFINAH.ONE boat is emphasised on stability, thus the boat takes the shape of V Hull Catamaran.
SAFINAH.ONE is driven by 2 brushless motors without a rudder, making it easier to navigate. It goes on to the fix shaft and connected to a propeller. The plus side is it can manouvre at a close distance with a big radius of turn. The boat is equipped a compass navigation and GPS as well as SRF sensors.
The winners in this category are Pens, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS) and UGM.