Over 200 papers were presented in The 8th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST) from 12-14 December 2013. It was initiated by Graduate School Action Scheme for Internationalization of University Student Kumamoto University back in 2008.
Faculty of Biology UGM represented by Selvi Rahmawati, Dita Nurtjahya, Qonitha Shalihah, and Swara Yudhasasmita presented their research entitled Vitamin E Role as Heavy Metal (Cadmium Chloride) Antitoxic on Albino Male Rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) Reproduction Organ. It was supervised by Ardaning Nuriliani, S.Si., M.Kes., funded by DIKTI in 2013 for Student Creativity Programme.
Other delegates from Faculty of Biology UGM were Nurul Amalia Rusli with her research The Comparation of Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) Toxicity toward The Growth of Chaetoceros Gracilis Phytoplankton and Irma Novikawati with her research Conversion of Peatlands into Oil Palm Plantations.
“This event is the right forum to develop coperation between Indonesia, UGM and other countries on research area,” said Selvi on Tuesday (24/11).
Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc, said there are more students presenting researches in the internasional seminar. “This year there are 11 teams presenting researches abroad,” Budi described.
The ICAST also ran a student exchange party and a fieldtrip to Mount Aso, Kumamoto. The student exchange party was attended by undergraduate and graduate students from Indonesia, China, Korea, Kirghiztan, Oman, Malaysia, Japan, India, Benin, and France.
ICAST is held annually at different places with the aim to facilitate young researchers from various countries to conduct research and cooperation. This year it was held in the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, in Japan. Previous events were held in Beijing University, Shandong University, Ewha Womans University, University of Seoul, and Ege University.