UGM continues to support the development of student’s talent, interest and potential by providing, among others, Student Hall or sporting arena.
Manager of Student Hall and Student Facilities, Pangadiyono, S.IP., said UGM not only focuses on generating graduates with good hard skill, but also soft skill. Through activities done at the Hall, they are expected to be able to build their soft skills.
Since its foundation on 31 July 1975, UGM Student Hall became the Centre of student activities, such as sports, arts and culture, and religious events. There are also student organisations and communication forum that have produced thousands of activists in many areas.
“Currently, there are 56 units of activities here. Some of those have offices outside,” he said.
Several sports that routinely do practices there are basketball, volley ball, badminton, hockey, and martial arts. Arts and culture activities are done in the arts rooms.
Other facilities for students with potential in sports are the Pancasila stadium, tennis and soft ball courts. In addition, there is the open field which can also be used for music concerts.