Accounting lecturer from Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Zuni Barokah, Ph.D, has received the Best Reviewer Award from the International Accounting Section, American Accounting Association. The award is received in the series of events of the 20th Annual Midyear Meeting International Accounting Section, American Accounting Association from 20-22 February 2014 in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. This forum is hosted by International Accounting Section, American Accounting Association in cooperation with International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER). It is a prestigious forum for international accounting reviewers.
The award granted to Zuni Barokah is based on a written review in the form of article of research that was sent to the selection committee. The review is voluntary and more than 80 voluntary reviewers in internasional accounting worldwide were participating.
The award was presented at a luncheon, witnessed by several international accounting prominent figures, such as Mary Barth, President of American Accountig Association 2013-2014 and Elizabeth Gordon, member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Accounting Education and Research also President of International Accounting Section, AAA, 2013-2014.
Zuni and her colleague, Singgih Wijayana, Ph.D, in the conference presented their research. Zuni presented an article entitled Corporate Related-Party Disclosure: Empirical Evidence from the Asia-Pacific Region and Singgih Wijayana presented article entitled Convergence of Accounting Standards and the Usefulness of U.S. GAAP Reconciliations. “Alhamdulillah, after the award announcement, each participant congratulated me and asked about UGM,” she said.
On this achievement, Head of Accounting study programme Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D, felt happy and proud. “Zuni’s achievement has emphasised more of the fact the Accounting of UGM is a world-acknowedged institution,” said Mahfud (27/2).