Biogas, apart from its use as fuel for cooking purposes, can also generate power after undergoing certain processes. A number of UGM researchers joining the Sains untuk Rakyat (Science for People) group have conducted a research to process biogas and store it in a tube to generate fuel based machines.
The group consists of Wiratni, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., Dr. Ir. Aswati Mindaryani, M.Sc., Ir. Imam Prasetyo, M.Eng., Ph.D., Teguh Ariyanto, S.T., M.Eng. as well as Jayan Sentanuhady, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., supported by Anies Mutiari from LIPI Bandung and Daniel Tanto from UD Santosa Teknik Klaten.
Wiratni said the biogas production process was not new. “Despite the many users, this technology does not last long due to the lack of incentives for users. Many biogas reactors come from grants, hence owners lacking of responsibility,” she said recently.
It will not be economical if biogas is used for cooking only. Thus, Wiratni and colleagues have been trying since 2010 to process biogas that can generate power for small industry. The team aims at converting biogas into electricity that is stored in a tube or tank.
The biogas is purified first from methane, carbon dioxide, steam and hydrogen sulphide contents as those can cause corrosion and reduce the calor value. They can purify the biogas up to 80%.
The team combines the compression and adsorption systems to avoid high pressure biogas storing. The flammable nature of methan will raise the risk for explosion during compression. High pressure will also trigger leakage.
Currently, the biogas tube has yet to undergo further research.