Sari Kurniawati, from UGM Vocational School has won second place in the National Accounting Competition 2014 for Polytechnics and Vocational School students across Indonesia that has been held in Bali from 9-10 May 2014.
“We’re obviously happy and proud that this was the first time ever we went to the competition and we won,” said Sari at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM on Monday (12/5).
UGM sends two students to the competition, Sari Kurniawati (class of 2012) and Indah Dwi Astuti (class of 2012), accompanied by supervising lecturer, Faiz Zamzami, SE., M. Acc., QIA. They went to the final round, competing with other 20 best students where they had to complete 50 multiple choice and 10 fill in the blank questions on – among others – Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Taxation and Accounting Standards, etc.
In the finals, Sari said, participants present a paper based on the theme “Increasing Accounting Competence with Global Leverage”. The first winner is Ni Luh Putu Anik Meliawati from Politeknik Negeri Bali, and the third is Denis Sugiyarti from Politeknik Negeri Jakarta.