Prof. Dr. Syamsul Hadi, S.U., M.A was awarded by Suez Canal University, Egypt, on 26 June 2014 for his works in Arabic linguistics. The event was attended by Ismailia governor, Mayjen Ahmed el-Qashash, Head of Authority of Suez Canal, Gen. Mahab Mimisy, Ismailiyah Chief of Police as well as Suez Canal University leaders.
The award is an appreciation of the persistence of Prof. Syamsul Hadi in developing Arabic language in Indonesia as well as the cooperation between Universitas Gadjah Mada and Suez Canal University. He has written 30 works on Arabic Linguistics, including books, papers, journals, articles, and training materials. Among those are Foreign Words in Arabic, Influence of Science and Technology in Arabic Lexicography, and Acronyms in Arabic. The works were praised by Arabic experts in Egypt, particularly ones on the Arabic linguistics courses at UGM for Master and Doctoral programme, including (i) Madzhahib Lughawiyah (Schools of Arabic Linguistic); (ii) Ilmu-Lahjat (Arabic Dialectology); (iii) Shina’atul Mu’jam (Arabic Lexicology); and Al-lughatul-Fuscha wal-‘Amiyah (Standard and Colloquial Arabic) which are rarely taught at Indonesian and even Egyptian universities.
As an expert, Syamsul Hadi continues to keep writing and presenting papers at both national and internasional levels. The man born in Kulon Progo, 22 July 1952, was also compiling Indonesian-English-Arabic dictionaries.