YOGYAKARTA – A lecturer in Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, Dr. Abdul Rohman, has earned the Young Scientist Award at Asia Pacific countries from ProSPER.Net Young Scopus Scientist Award for sustainable development category. He beat 100 other researchers from various countries in the event in Tokyo, Japan, from 11-12 July.
Requirements to get the award include publications getting most referred to that is monitored by Scopus, a world database service indexing journal publications. “Scopus records show there are 62 publications of mine in international journals, cited 373 times by researchers from different countries,” said Rohman at LPPT UGM on Thursday (17/7).
Most of his research are published in international journals, such as International Journal of Food Properties, International Food Research, Journal of the American Oil Chemist Society, and Global Journal of Pharmacology. These are referred to by researchers from Malaysia, Spain, and Afghanistan. Abdul said the ones that are referred to related to development of halal food products through detection of fat contents, meat and pork gelatine in food, cosmetics, and pharmacy.
The man born in Pati, Central Java, said one way to detect the pork content is using the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. Together with his fellow researchers, he also develops electronic nose that detect pork content rapidly.