Tumbler has now increasingly been used by Indonesian people as it is portable and it comes in attractive packages. But now people expect it to serve not only as to store water but also to warm and cool the water. This fact has made five Engineering students of UGM, Surya Dewi Puspitasari, Josua Hotasi Sitompul, Achmad Kunaryo Wibowo, Rochmat Sarifudin, and Theodorus Tio Wibowo, develop a tumbler which they call as Smart Tumbler. They made a portable tumbler that can warm up and cool the water by attaching it to a laptop.
The students did this through the Student Creativity Programme entitled “SMART TUMBLER, small and flexible tumbler with portable water heater”.
According to Rochmat, the idea came up when he was doing his academic assignments long until the early hours of the day. He wanted to have something warm but unwilling to leave his homework that is always done on the laptop. The Smart tumbler has added value as it is practical, refillable, and environmentally friendly.
The Smart Tumbler works easily. Just inserting the cable to the USB port in the laptop and turning on the switch to warm or cool the water. The main component is Pielter Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC). The Smart Tumbler can also maintain the heat.
Supervising lecturer from Engineering Physics, Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Ph.D., said the smart tumbler has good future.