YOGYAKARTA – Two UGM students have won a silver medal and Honorable Mention award in the International Maths Olympiad in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, from 29 July – 4 August. Pramudya, Electrical Engineering student class of 2011, won the silver medal whilst Taufiq Ardiansyah, Maths study programme student, earned the Honorable Mention after competing with other 342 participants from 47 countries, including Russia, the U. S., Brasil, Hungary, Poland, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Iran, Germany, Holland, and Croatia.
Pramudya who is currently on a student community service project in Yogyakarta said on Thursday (7/8) that his participation was his first, thus not expecting to win. There are six other Indonesian students joining the event from ITS, ITB, UI, and UPI.
The eldest son of Kurnia Suhartono and Sri Rusmini explained the assessment of the International Mathematics Competition for University Students was based on the written test in algebra, mathematics, real analysis, complex and combinatory analyses. Selection was done in two days.