Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk have been granted the Golden Peacock Awards in Mumbai, India, for the cooperation established between the Faculty and Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk in Corporate Social Responsibility programme that built three villages (Giwangan in Yogyakarta and Argosari dan Argorejo in Bantul) that are independent in terms of food, energy and society.
“This is our second international award after in October 2014 we received the Corporate Engagement Awards 2014 in London for the same CSR progamme,” said Dean of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA in a press release sent out on Thursday (29/1).
In the annual event, Ali Agus was present along with Mandiri Bank Director of Micro-Business, Hery Gunardi, and UGM Vice Rector for Planning, Finance and Information System, Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., Akt., M.Com., representing the Rector. The award was presented by President of Institute of Directors, Lt Gen J.S. Ahluwalia, PVSM (retd).
Established by Institute of Directors in 1991 in India, the Golden Peacock Awards are seen as the international standard for excellence for corporations.
The Secretariat of the Golden Peacock Awards annually receives as many as 1000 applications from India and the rest of the world for many award categories. UGM Faculty of Animal Sciences and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk entered their application to the category of Annual Global Awards for Corporate Social Responsibility. Going thorugh rigorous assessment and competition with other 130 corporations from 25 countries, their programme finally won in this category.