Youth and Sports Minister, Imam Nahrawi, has encouraged UGM to pioneer in making a free-from-drugs campus. Universities have an important role as the front-runners to combat drugs circulation.
“UGM has to become the pioneer in countering drugs circulation in the country,” said Nahrawi in a studium generale for students of UGM Graduate School on Monday (16/3).
The Minister hoped that all UGM academic community has the courage to undergo a drug test. Also, the support from UGM to President Joko Widodo is very much required amidst the mounting calls from other countries to revoke the capital punishments given to their nationals who have been convicted in drug crimes.
“Fortunately, Mr. President is firm in his stance, thereby not cancelling the executions,” he said.
Currently, as high as 4 millions of people have used illegal drugs in Indonesia. In 2015 the number is predicted to increase to 5.1 millions.
“It is here that mental revolution is needed in order that we can build the noble characters of the young Indonesian people. The mental revolution has to become a common policy,” the Minister said.
Vice-Rector for Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Suratman, hoped the synergy between UGM and the Ministry would be enhanced as UGM has big potentials with its huge number of students.