The UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM) is set to break the Indonesian World Records Museum (MURI) record for drinking 11,690 glasses of milk by students on World Milk Day, June 1.
Dean of Animal Science UGM, Professor Budi Guntoro, announced that this event is part of the activities celebrating the 11th Lustrum of the faculty.
“Drinking milk on World Milk Day, June 1, will involve around 11,690 students,” Dean Guntoro said during the opening of the Lustrum series of events on Friday (May 3).
The dean added that the 11th Lustrum activities will consist of academic and non-academic events, culminating in the Lustrum peak event with an open senate meeting in November.
The chair of the 11th Lustrum committee, Dr. Tian Jihadhan Wankar, stated that this year’s theme is “Enhancing Human Productivity Through Functional Animal-Based Foods to Support the SDGs.”
“This theme aligns with the second SDG, which is zero hunger and food availability,” Dr. Wankar said.
He added that a series of events had been prepared to enliven this year’s Lustrum, including the celebration of World Milk Day on June 1, a halal festival, halal slaughterer training in anticipation of Iduladha, sports competitions, livestock contests, community service in the form of free lectures, a summer course, social service, pet exhibitions, a fun run, a grand reunion, and an open senate meeting.
The Lustrum was officially opened with a gong strike by Dean Guntoro, the symbolic handover of livestock, and the release of birds by the Animal Science UGM leadership.
Author: Animal Science UGM/Satria
Photo: Margiyono