The Protocol Forum of State Universities with Legal Entities (PTN-BH) held a National Work Meeting at Brawijaya University, Malang, October 5-6.
This event, which brought together leaders and protocol managers from state universities with legal entities across Indonesia, aimed to gather input from protocol networks to enhance performance and service quality at each university.
Forum chair Jack Haryanto stated that this National Work Meeting was a continuation of activities following the establishment of the protocol forum at UGM some time ago.
“We started this forum with 21 universities, and as it grows, we will engage all across Indonesia,” said the chair-cum-protocol coordinator at UGM.
“The forum serves as a platform for sharing experiences and building a protocol network to identify challenges and obstacles in managing activities at each institution and finding collective solutions.”
During the two-day meeting, Haryanto emphasized the need to strengthen protocol management at each university through continuous training. However, what is equally important is the promotion of a national-level protocol award.
“So far, regular public relations awards have been held annually by the Ministry of Education and Culture and various other institutions,” said Haryanto.
“We want a similar program for protocol officers to motivate and appreciate the well-organized protocol management within the higher education environment.”
Triyantoro, Head of the General Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture, stated that the protocol field is one of the benchmarks for the success of university operations. He also stressed the ministry’s commitment to supporting and advancing higher education in Indonesia.
“Universities play a crucial role in shaping good protocol culture, and this National Work Meeting is expected to improve understanding and skills in this area,” said Triyantoro.
Dr. Tri Wahyu Nugroho, the Secretary of Brawijaya University, expressed appreciation and gratitude for the presence of university leaders and protocol managers from state universities with legal entities across Indonesia.
“I believe the discussions we will have over the next two days will make a valuable contribution to the development of higher education in our country. I hope this event will be successful and we can all achieve productive and beneficial results from this meeting,” said Dr. Nugroho.
“Brawijaya University is proud to host this event and is committed to supporting the development of higher education in Indonesia.”
Over two days, participants engaged in various discussions, workshops, and idea exchanges to improve university protocol standards. This meeting will serve as a strong foundation for future improvements and innovations in university protocol management.
The event continued with a discussion on the implementation of Ministerial Regulation No. 42 of 2022 and Law No. 9 of 2010 regarding protocol, led by the forum chair Jack Haryanto from UGM and assisted by Sri Sunarmi, the forum secretary from UB.
Author: Gusti Grehenson