Several poems were recited by faculty members and students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on the night before the 78th anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence Day.
This tradition has been ongoing for the seventh year since its inception in 2017. It was initiated by Professor Laksono Trisnantoro and continued by Heru Marwata as the subsequent organizer.
Professor Laksono Trisnantoro admitted that he is not proficient in reciting poetry, playing music, or singing. He confessed to not being an artist but greatly enjoying artistic products.
“I can’t play music, sing, or recite poetry at all, but I truly enjoy artistic products,” he said.
He mentioned that musical and poetic works would feel empty without appreciation.
“I believe a society is considered culturally advanced if they can enjoy artistic creations such as music and poetry. From the Roman era, ancient Greece to the present, only those with a high culture can appreciate art,” he explained.
Professor Trisnantoro hopes that such activities will continue to develop at UGM. He initiated this activity because he saw that UGM lacked a platform for poetry reading.
The Rector of UGM, Professor Ova Emilia, appreciated the organization of poetry reading as part of the contemplation before the 78th anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence Day at UGM.
She interpreted the contemplation as a reflection of remembering the struggles of the heroes in achieving the nation’s independence.
Through poetry reading, the rector stated that this is an expression to show respect and to remember the growing sense of nationalism. She specifically expressed her gratitude to the organizers who have consistently held this event yearly.
“Thank you to the committee for making this event possible. Hopefully, this event provides a deeper meaning in interpreting freedom and the struggles of our heroes,” she said.
Several individuals who had the opportunity to recite poetry on stage included Afnan Malay with a poem titled “Seperti Pantonim” (Like a Pantonym), Sri Penny Alifiya Habiba with a poem “Amanah Kemerdekaan” (The Mandate of Independence), Sudibyo with a poem “Bisikan Malam Tentang Pahlawan” (Night Whispers About Heroes) by Soekoso DM, Yayi Suryo Prabandari with a poem “Aku Tulis Pamflet Ini” (I Write This Pamphlet) by WS Rendra, and Mas Jumadi with a poem “Dwi Warna” (Two Colors).
Yuda Wira Jaya recited the poem “Api Perjuangan” (The Fire of Struggle) along with Irwan DK, Irwan Dwi Kustanto recited “Angin Pun Berbisik” (The Wind Whispers) and “Kerajaan Langit” (Kingdom of Heaven) in collaboration with Yuda Wira Jaya, Darwito recited “Cangkem” (Mouth), Tadkiroatun Musfiroh recited “Panglima Hoaks” (Hoax Commander).
Gandes Retno Rahayu recited the poem “Bagaimana Aku Menirumu, O Kekasihku” (How I Imitate You, O My Beloved) by KH Mustofa Bisri, Hari Palguna recited “Aku Tak Mau Pulang” (I Don’t Want to Go Home), Siti Murtiningsih recited “Pahlawanku” (My Heroes) by M. Yamin, Acep Yonny recited “Gugur” (Fallen) by WS Rendra, and Novi Indrastuti recited “Panji Gula.”
Cak Choi Irul and Savitri Damayanti presented “geguritan,” R. Toto Sugiharto recited “Tanah Air Mata” (Land of Tears) by Sutardji Calzoum Bachri, Nadia Puti Dianesti recited “Selamat Pagi Indonesia” (Good Morning Indonesia) by Sapardi Djoko Damono, and Wahjudi Djaja recited “Sajak Sahun” (Sahun’s Rhyme) by Wahjudi Djaja.
Arif Nurcahyo recited “Tanda Merdeka” (Sign of Freedom), Sang Kompiang Wirawan recited “Ibu & Gadjah Madaku” (My Mother & Gadjah Mada), Retno Widowati recited “Merdeka Indonesiaku” by Rodiyah Allahuan, Aprinus Salam recited “Karawang Bekasi” by Chairil Anwar, and Heru Marwata recited “Komunikasi dan Silaturahmi” (Communication and Staying in Touch) by STB HM.
The event also included reflection and prayer by Professor Fadlil Munawar Manshur.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photo: Novi Indrastuti (Facebook)