The Council of Professors of State Universities with Legal Entities (PTNBH) is pushing to strengthen school character education and moral values.
They propose that these aspects be included in the elementary to high school curriculum. Additionally, at the university level, the council suggests reintroducing the subject of Pancasila Education for students.
“We want to propose the inclusion of character education and moral values as subjects from elementary school to high school and bring back Pancasila Education in universities,” said the council chair, Professor Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, during the closing of the council’s plenary meeting and national seminar on Saturday (10/6) at the UGM Senate Hall.
Professor Harkrisnowo hopes that strengthening character education, moral values, and Pancasila education aligns with the mental revolution program previously initiated by President Joko Widodo.
Furthermore, Pancasila education is expected to set an example for students regarding ethics, character, and cultural behavior in their daily lives.
“We want professors to provide examples of ethics and cultural entities. Professors must practice the values of Pancasila, and we have a moral obligation to foster brighter young people,” she explained.
The council secretary, Professor Andi Pangerang Moenta, stated that the council recommends the implementation of Pancasila values as a benchmark for the behavior of officials in their daily lives.
“The attitudes and behaviors of officials should be based on Pancasila values,” he emphasized.
In addition, the council will propose to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform to relieve lecturers from excessive administrative burdens. This is to encourage educators to be more creative and innovative in teaching.
“We will propose that lecturers in state universities be relieved of administrative duties to be more innovative in teaching. We also want to avoid practical politics in PTNBH before the elections in 2024. Nevertheless, the council will contribute scientific ideas to address national issues and development programs,” he stated.
Chair of the Council of Professors at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Professor Moch Maksum, mentioned that the PTNBH professors’ council members are ready to provide criticism and thoughts on national politics but will remain cautious about practical politics before elections.
Additionally, he advised PTNBH to increase the number of professors in their respective universities, as many of them are approaching retirement age.
“We need to increase the number of professors because many of them are getting old and will retire in no time,” he concluded.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photographer: Firsto